Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Life in Balance

I attended a work/life balance conference today where Dr. Kathleen Hall was a keynote speaker ( At first, I felt some of the things she was sharing were a bit shallow... however, as she continued on, her words really resonated with me.

I know she was speaking for a corporate engagement ... but, I felt her descriptions of "happiness" were very shallow. As she talked further, I believe she even felt that her definitions were lacking. She later admitted to being a Christian - even being a chaplain at a hospital and a minister at a large church for some time. As she continued to speak, it started to all fit together.

I haven't yet read her book, A Life in Balance, but, hearing her speak has motivated me to go out and get a copy straight away! Amazon, here I come!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Our 2nd House!

A year of seconds for us... and not the kind that measure time... well, kind of. Oh, nevermind.

So, mid-way through our second year of marriage, we have bought our second house! We are super excited - and have no clue how we plan to use all 4 bedrooms! See pic below!! More to come...

The stress comes in trying to rent our current, cute, adorable home!