Monday, August 27, 2007

The best intentions...

I feel like all of my good intentions are once again exposed for what they really are - just good intentions! This morning, I completely hit my snooze alarm, despite such brave words about getting up early and working out. I told myself - "face it, you are just not a morning person" and then convinced myself that I would work out this evening.

As it would happen, I received an email from Jeff in the middle of the day informing me that he had invited his dad for dinner. Meaning - that I had to make dinner. Not that this is a huge deal... but, it means that I can't just warm up the leftovers from our wonderful dinner last night because there is only enough for the two of us. So, I had to rush home and make the dinner I had planned for Tuesday. No worries, really.

Except - as I was getting ready to serve dinner, the phone rings. Jeff answered the phone and it was actually someone from work who had tracked me down needing a marketing plan urgently for a morning meeting. So, immediately after eating, I traipsed upstairs and pulled out my work laptop (which I try to NEVER do at home - and instead choose to log-in to my work email from my home laptop... it feels less like "work" and more like leisurely checking life at P&G) and started working.

Now, it is 10pm, and all intentions to work out have seeped out of me. I am presently wracking myself with guilt thinking - if only I had got up this morning!

I have got to figure out a way to become a morning person! Or at least to be open to activity in the morning. Last year, I was walking Nash with my neighbor every weekday morning at 6:30am. Now, she has gotten busy - so, I have no accountability. So, I need to work on being a morning person by myself!

Well, here's hoping for tomorrow!

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